Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is all about? is a gardening website founded by horticulturist Gordon Anders. Our platform offers easy-to-follow gardening guides, innovative solutions to common gardening challenges, beautiful garden imagery, and a community space for gardening enthusiasts to connect and share experiences.

2. Is free to use?
Absolutely! Ezyardwork is dedicated to sharing knowledge and passion for gardening, and our online resources are free for everyone. We occasionally offer premium workshops or downloadable content for a fee, but the core content will always remain free.

3. I’m new to gardening. Where should I start on your site?
Welcome to the world of gardening! We suggest starting with our Beginner’s Guide section, which provides foundational knowledge and tips to kickstart your gardening journey.

4. How often do you update the content on
We’re constantly updating our content. We aim to provide new articles, guides, and tips weekly. To stay updated, consider subscribing to our newsletter or following us on our social media channels.

5. Can I contribute or write an article for
Yes, we love featuring guest posts and contributions from our community. If you have an interesting gardening story, guide, or tip to share, please email us at with the subject “Guest Post Submission.”

6. I have a specific plant problem. Can I send you pictures?
Certainly! We’re always here to help. Send us a detailed email with clear photos of the issue to, and we’ll do our best to assist you.

7. How can I advertise or collaborate with
We’re open to collaborations and partnerships that align with our mission and values. Please send your proposals or inquiries to with “Collaboration Inquiry” or “Partnership Proposal” in the subject line.

8. Are there any in-person workshops or events hosted by
While Ezyardwork primarily operates online, Gordon and the team occasionally host workshops, events, or garden tours. Keep an eye on out for this coming in the future or subscribe to our newsletter for updates on upcoming events.

9. How can I subscribe to the Ezyardwork newsletter?
It’s easy! Just scroll to the bottom of our homepage, and you’ll find the subscription box. Enter your email address, and you’ll receive regular updates, tips, and exclusive content straight to your inbox.

10. I have a suggestion or feedback. How can I share it with you?
We value feedback from our community! If you have suggestions, comments, or even words of praise, send them our way at We’re always striving to improve and serve you better.

If you didn’t find the answer you were looking for in our FAQs, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re here to help and support your gardening journey!

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